Digitay Graphic - Digimanage to freshen up your skills to get that new opportunity Slide thumbnail
Digitay Graphic saying Digiget where you wanted to go to and work with the latest technologies?
Digitay Graphic - Digisee our courses that can help your employees gain new digital skills?
Digitay Graphic - Digirealise that the courses we offer are fully funded?
Digitay Graphic saying Digihear about the funding that's available to get the skills for the future?
Digitay Graphic saying Digitell your family that it's never too late to get on that digital highway?
Digitay Graphic - Digiwant to get the training so that you can move on to the next level?
Digitay Graphic - Digienrol on our new online courses seminar?
Digitay Graphic - Digilike the online courses that will go a long way to improve your skills?

DigiTay: The Tay Cities Digital Skills Project

The Tay Cities Region Deal Digital Skills Project, also known as DigiTay, is part of a £20 million investment under the Regional Skills and Employability Development Programme, funded by the Scottish Government. It is part of the Tay Cities Region Deal a partnership between local, Scottish and UK governments and the private, academic and voluntary sectors which seeks to create a smarter and fairer region. The Project was awarded over £1.5m of government funding, over a 3 year period to support inclusive economic growth and the digital labour market throughout Angus, Dundee, North East Fife and Perth & Kinross.

Our DigiMission

Our mission is to address the digital skills gap across the Tay Cities Region by supporting individuals access digital skills training and working with businesses and organisations to plug their digital skills gaps. The project aims to: 

Understand and satisfy businesses’ digital and data requirements in the region, across all sectors not just the technology industry.

Identify and plug the digital skills gaps where they exist across the region.

Embed skills, supporting digital and data-driven innovation across a wide range of sectors, enabling businesses to adapt and compete in a future digital economy.

Increase opportunities for specialist roles within the Digital and Creative Industries.

Create an unrivalled talent pool across the region.

What is DigiTay?

Are you looking for activities, initiatives and training programmes relating to skilling, re-skilling and upskilling in digital and data skills? Then DigiTay is for you. The project has a specific focus on inclusive growth, focusing on supporting under-represented groups to upskill and reskill in intermediate, advanced and professional digital and data skills. The project will deliver a regional approach to addressing the digital skills gap through partnership working across industry sectors, local authorities, universities, colleges, private and the third sector. Here you will find:

  • Fully funded digital skills courses
  • Support for businesses
  • Events


people supported through fully funded activity


funding awarded to skills training and business activities


education and training partners engaged


The Tay Cities Region Deal has a commitment to delivering inclusive economic growth across the region. DigiTay is part of the Regional Skills and Employability Programme [Include link to page] a £20 million investment into skills and employability in order address inequalities across the region.

DigiTay has a focus on closing the digital skills gap, to do this it is essential we support underrepresented groups access skills training in order to address the existing skills gap and ensure we’re supporting inclusive growth by creating opportunities for all.

DigiTay has made a commitment to:

  • Ensure 50% of beneficiaries of funding are women
  • Ensure 10% of beneficiaries of funding are people with disabilities
  • Ensure 4% of beneficiaries of funding are people from black, minority or ethnic backgrounds

For more information on our available courses please visit our courses page.

Digiwant to read some Case Studies?

Read about the latest DigiTay case studies here:

Digiread our latest publications?

Read the latest DigiTay publications and reports here:

Digicatch the Latest DigiTay News?

Digitay Newsletter

Exciting News! Our Second Newsletter is now live! We [...]

The DigiTay Annual Report

It’s time for the first Digital Skills Project Annual [...]

The Tay Cities Region Deal Annual Report

The Tay Cities Region Deal (TCRD) Annual Report celebrates [...]